вівторок, 28 листопада 2023 р.

Top 24-27 best Games 1973. reviews: 101 BASIC Computer Games, Laser Clay Shooting System, Slalom, Drag

All list top 37 games.

101 BASIC Computer Games (Mainframe)

Most of the games developed for free using the BASIC language were added here. While these games did not always stand out in terms of quality, their format inspired many future developers.

Laser Clay Shooting System (Arcade)

Although not a typical video game, as it used film-based information transfer technology rather than a pure video signal, this game is considered Nintendo's first attempt in the video game market. The gameplay involved shooting a light gun at moving targets.

Slalom (Mainframe, Sol-20)

The first game in my top list released on more than one platform. The game is a turn-based downhill skier simulator with obstacles, representing an Olympic sport. Players choose the difficulty of the course, up to 25 gates. Throughout the game, you are asked about your speed, and the challenge is to adjust it properly to avoid disqualification.

Drag (Mainframe, Sol-20)

 A racing game with an interesting concept—you don't control your car; it drives itself. Before the race, you customize your car by adjusting parameters such as engine power, tire width, and tire diameter. The better you customize, the higher your chances of winning.

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