пʼятниця, 3 грудня 2021 р.

Top 1 Games of 1971: Star Trek

Russian translate

This game was released on a variety of platforms: Mainframe (1971), Wang 2200 (1975), Altair 8800 (1976), Commodore PET/CBM (1978), Sol-20 (1978) and Commodore 64 (1982). Which is quite rare for that time, so she took first place in 1971 in terms of fame now.

In the early seventies, it was one of the most popular games on mainframe computers. Initially, it was released on the Sigma 7 model, later it was programmed for HP BASIC. And only after that it was ported to other platforms.

At first, the game generally worked through a teletype tape, and only then the screen began to be used. 

The game is somewhat reminiscent of the well-known naval battle, only much more complicated. 

The main goal of the game is to destroy 17 Klingon ships in a limited time. The field is divided into squares 8 by 8, each of them in turn is divided into the same number of squares. After selecting the first square, a new screen appears with its detailed version 8 by 8. 

The map shows: your ship Enterprise, stars and bases, Klingon ships. We need to use a long-range scanner, with which we can determine whether there are star bases or Klingon ships in the near squares. 

To destroy the enemies, we must defend ourselves with shields and attack with photon torpedoes. It is necessary to calculate not only the direction, but also the range of shots with torpedoes and phasers. The further the distance, the weaker the effect of phasers. It is also worth considering that the stars will be an obstacle in the path of the torpedo.

The game has a modular damage system. Parts of the ship, such as warp engines, short-range sensors, etc., have a separate damage indicator. Breakdowns are eliminated at star bases.

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