пʼятниця, 3 грудня 2021 р.

Top 2 Game of 1971: Galaxy Game

Russian translate

This is the very first computer game released on arcade machines. However, this achievement is not so great, considering that it is also unique. That is, it was released in a single copy.

This single copy is in the Tresidder Union coffee shop at Stanford University. It cost $ 20,000, which is 128 tons of dollars for 2020.

The game itself was inspired by and is very similar to one of the first games that displayed the results on the screen - Spacewar.

This game has monochrome vector graphics. Two players in it are trying to destroy each other's ship. In addition to moving and shooting, the game has an interesting feature - hyper jumps, which moves the ship to a random part of the screen. When you move over the edge of the screen, you appear on the other side of it.

Fuel is used not only when moving and jumping, but also over time. If the fuel runs out, the ship explodes. Obviously, the developers of the game would not be the best engineers in the field of shipbuilding. The number of torpedoes is also limited.

In the center of the screen, a star creates a gravitational pull, which forces players to take into account similar physics of movement in the game, or inertia and acceleration near the star. However, this option is disabled and does not apply to the torpedoes themselves.

In the game, you can also turn on the single player mode to train your skills.

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